Best Strategies to protect from Flu diseases in 2024?

Flu influenza virus (H1N1)
Flu Virus


Influenza is commonly disease known as the flu, but there are several viruses (including H1N1 or swine flu viruses) that cause similar diseases states. Because it is difficult to determine which virus is responsible for the disease, it is often described as a flu-like illness and many other complications. The spread of these diseases is weather dependent and allergies problem or weak immune system in the body. 

The world is facing a major medical challenge in the form of swine flu. The flu that originated in Mexico has today succeeded in reaching many parts of the world. There are many doubts and misconceptions among people about this disease, as there are about most epidemics. It is important for you to know how to recognize this flu and how to prevent it.

Most Common Ways a Person Gets the Flu?

You can get the flu through droplet infection (infection caused by inhaling small droplets of moisture that contain virus from an infected person’s cough or sneeze) directly from an infected person or by touching an area contaminated with droplets from a sick person. It is possible.

How does person know they are suffering from flu?

It is estimated that the symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to those of regular seasonal flu in humans. H1N1 virus infection is manifesting itself in the following symptoms: Fever (body temperature 30°c/100.4°f or higher) Early Exhaustion Runny Continuously Nose Cough Winter Fever Muscle Pain

What is influenza (H1N1) or swine flu?

There are two names of flu caused by ‘A’ type influenza virus (H1N1).

Swine flu symptoms

Normal Fever – Lethargy Nasopharynx Running Nose, Sore throat Diarrhea 
Bronchus- Sore throat, cough Stomach Nausea, Vomit, Loss of Appetite

Is flu life threatening danger?

Flu can only be life-threatening if it worsens, which is more likely in people who already have a compromised immune system or who have other health conditions.

Who is at high risk in flu?

The following people need to be more cautious as they are at high risk the group belongs to: Pregnant women People aged 65 years or more. 

Young children under 5 years of age If your flu-like condition suddenly worsens at any time or continues to worsen even after seven days. 

People suffering from chronic diseases like: Chronic diseases of lungs/heart/kidney/liver/nerve. Immunosuppression (low immunity), whether caused by the disease or treatment. Diabetes mellitus

Precaution from Flu viruses

Various yoga poses with regular practice beneficial for diabetes control selected according to the age and condition of the patent. 
Shatkarma:  Kunjal, Nauli, Shankhaprakshalan 
Bandha:  Uddiyanabandha Asanas:Kati Chakrasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana Vajrasana, Bhujgasana, Paschimotta-Nasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Mandukasana, Konasana and Padahastasana 
Pranayama: Bhaska, Ujjayi, Nadishuddhi and Bhramari Surya Namaskar: Regular Practice

Can person get swine flu twice?

Once you have been exposed to the virus, your body develops immunity to it, so unless there is a significant mutation in the swine flu virus (change in the conformation of the virus), you will not get swine flu again. Should happen.

Can we wear a mask for prevention?

Wearing masks is primarily recommended for people who have close contact with swine flu patients, such as immediate family members living with patients and health care workers caring for such patients. A health worker wearing an N95 mask.

Tips on proper use of a mask and disposal.

Cover your mouth and nose with the mask and tie it tightly so that the distance is minimal. When the mask is on your face, do not touch it. After removing the mask, wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol-based ‘hand rub’ for 20 to 30 seconds. Mask dipped in Dettole/phenyl. If the mask becomes moist, replace it with a new mask. 

Disposal: Before disposing of the mask in a dustbin, dip it in either phenyl or any other disinfectant solution or use me. Be extremely careful when disposing of masks. Burn it completely. In a hospital building, dispose of masks in blue/white autoclavable biosafety bags.

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