How diabetes are permanently controlled ?

Diabetes is a lifelong disease of metabolism (metabolic disorder) and it is a disorder of the digestive system. Diabetes is a disease of people who have no physical activity and exercise in their daily life. A major reason for this increase is the negative change taking place in our modern lifestyle due to no time table routine of eating breakfast, lunch and dinner and also lack of physical activity in their daily routine. In this disease, it is produced by the pancreatic gland. If the body becomes deficient in insulin, cells find it difficult to absorb glucose, which then increases in level, first in blood and then in urine. Due to this disease, there is excess sugar present in the blood and it often comes out in the urine. Due to glucose loss, body cells begin to exploit other valuable sources of fat and proteins as alternate energy sources. Consequently, a rapid weight loss is a usual outcome. This is true. Diabetes, besides being a problem in itself, can cause further problems or complications in body seen very fast at age of more than 40, which include a few very serious problems. Abnormalities starting from head to feet in the body. Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the body does not produce the required quantity of insulin or fails to utilize it properly.

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Increased Blood sugar level


Normal blood sugar levels differ depending on a person’s age and other health conditions. People who do not have diabetes, normal blood sugar ranges are a fasting blood glucose test, normal range is level of 70 to 100 mg/dL and 100-126 mg/dL above level it indicated the warning as pre-diabetes symptom and the normal range is between 5.7 to 6.4% above consider for pre-diabetes. After meals/before bed 80 to 140


Are you at risk of being a Diabetic?


Types of diabetes

1. Insulin Dependent Diabetes (IDDM)

2. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)

3. Gestational diabetes (GD)


Various types of tests are used to diagnose Diabetes disease.

HbA1c Test (Test measure average level of last three months average take sample for test) Fasting blood sugar test (Take sample before breakfast and overnight fasting avoid eating and drinking gap of minimum between in 8-10 hour) Random Blood sugar test Glucose tolerance test (Type 2 Diabetes test for gestational diabetes — a kind of diabetes that occurs in pregnant women both fasting and a blood sample taken before breakfast. This is to measure your fasting blood glucose levels. After two hours, another blood test will be performed to measure your blood glucose levels. The normal range is 140mg/dL and below 140-199 mg/dL indicates pre-diabetes, while 200 mg/dL and above indicates diabetes.


What is insulin ?

Insulin is a naturally occurring process of a hormone that is needed to convert sugar (glucose) into energy for body to be needed for daily life activity. Insulin is produced by the pancreas. If pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin for body or body doesn’t able to use insulin properly as body required, it indicates of high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). This causes of diabetes disease. Insulin transmits sugar (glucose) from the blood supply into all of your body’s cells. One source of energy is glucose in the body. A body can get glucose directly from the food and beverages you eat and drink regularly.

Insulin is injected to stomach skin in fatty tissue

Symptoms / major complications


§  Excessive thirst (Paldipsia) frequent drying up of throat resulting in thirsty feeling is a very common in diabetes

§  Excessive hunger (polyphagia)

§  Too much frequent urination and urine becoming thick and sticky (Polyuria)

§  Sudden weakness and easy fatigue

§  Suddenly weight loss

§  Increased breathing

§  Blur in vision and decreased eyesight /symptom of Cataract/ Slowly Sunken of eyeballs

§  Non-healing skin infections

§  Dryness / Dry in the skin

§  Itching in the body parts

§  Gangrene (dead of tissues in legs and arms causes not working properly)

§  Fungal infections

§  Nerves-related problems) / nerve damage

§  Mostly feeling Numb in the feet/hands

§  Giddiness/Headache

§  Heart attack and Heart failure increase chances. It is also one of the major causes of strokes

§  Kidney and liver failure

§  Dry tongue

§  Irritation and frustration avoid mental stress feeling tired and weak


Main reason Diabetes


1. Obesity you are obese

2. Inactive lifestyle life like driving vehicle, watching TV, sitting not doing any physical work and avoid walking no physically activity in their daily.

3. Genetic factors one or both of your parents are diabetic and it is also considered a genetic disease.

4. Having high blood cholesterol /high blood pressure

5. Diabetes is a disease which has many side effects

6. Lack of exercise Daily exercise (Exercise daily, for at least 30 min. (If you are a heart patient, you must ask your doctor for the exercises you should or should not do).  


 Diabetes treatment


Regular exercise, yoga and naturopathy are especially effective in controlling diabetes and using these workout and consumed planned diet on time in their daily life routine, it can helps reverse in diabetes. Diabetes patient should work hard, his diet should be controlled, he should remain stress free, his digestive system should function properly and other controlling effective medical methods.


The diet of a diabetic patient should be controlled. While determining the diet, the patient’s age, weight, occupation and type of diabetes should be kept in mind. Regarding what and in what quantity diabetic patients should eat, they can be divided into the following three categories


Practice Yoga regularly. Exercising daily can keep your sugar levels under control


1. Whose weight is normal?

2. Whose weight is less than normal?

3. Whose weight is more than normal?


A person of normal weight who does not do any physical work it requires about 2000 calories, those who do moderate work require about 2500 calories and those who do heavy work require about 3000 or more calories. A diet high in fiber is recommended. Vegetables like brinjal, pumpkin, okra, green tomato, banana flower, chub, cabbage, palav and green leafy vegetables can be taken in large quantities. Diet should be under control with regular intervals. Milk products can also be taken in small quantities for general health. Where there is diarrhea, soft sycamore fruit, mango kernel and brown rice should be given. Fruits and Flowers beneficial Senna / Senna auriculata & Jamun / Syzygiumcumini.


Moderate intake of carbohydrates and fats in diet Diabetic patient should avoid Fried, sweet and fast foods special diet and lifestyle changes for diabetes. Carbohydrates (carbs) are a type of macronutrient found in specific foods and drinks. Sugars, starches and fiber are sugar.


Quickly Dietary habits diet controlled by regular yoga practice, positive changes in lifestyle

1. Avoid overeating and non-nutritious food

2. Avoid excessive consumption of sweets and carbohydrates

3. Avoid Sleeping during the day

3. Mental pressure

4. Lack of seriousness

Yoga Practice control for diabetes
Yoga Practice control for diabetes

Eating time table to follow the Diabetics patient


Morning to Forenoon

7:00 am

10:00 am

12:00 Noon


Afternoon to Night

2:00 pm

4:00 pm

6:00 pm

9:00 pm


3 Regular , average-sized meals and 3 light snacks in between is better than 3 heavy meals.


Diabetic patients daily routine diets



Carrot juice 1 to 2 ounces, breakfast: 250-400 ml skimmed milk or buttermilk food containing about 50 grams of sprouted gram moong, fenugreek or 50 grams of fresh Amla juice



Roti (wheat + gram +Mixing
soybean + fenugreek + raga (millet/jowar) 25 grams to 50 grams,

green vegetables 250 grams,

salad 25 to 50 grams,

moong dal 25 grams,

curd 150 grams,

whey 1 glass moong,

fenugreek or  50 grams of fresh Amla juice

Roasted gram 30 grams,

vegetable soup or
buttermilk 1 glass



Like in the afternoon but it is not appropriate to consume curd at night.

Healthy fibre foods
Healthy fibre foods

Beneficial in diabetes control 

§  Soybean

§  Beans

§  Turnip

§  Cucumber

§  Garlic

§  Bottle gourd

§  Bitter gourd

§  Spinach

§  Fenugreek

§  Bathua

§  Amaranth

§  Amla

§  Vine etc.

§  Tarvad

§  Jamun

§  Root of amaltas and seeds of jamun

§  Saptachakra

§  Gudmar

§  Arjuna bark

§  Haritaki

§  Root of bilva

§  Giloy

§  Sandalwood

§  Lotus flower bud

§  Motha rhizome

General weakness can be reduced with the following medicines

Niramli Seeds & Bhilawa seeds


Important unique diet for a diabetic patient to know  

Use of fenugreek in food is especially beneficial for diabetic patients. Fenugreek can be sprouted or its powder can be taken one spoon each daily.

Diabetic patients are advised to eat 2-3 rotis made from wheat flour mixed with gram, soybean, fenugreek, ragi and millet/jowar.

In 10 kg flour, the ratio of mixture of about 4 kg wheat, 2 kg gram, 1 kg soybean, 1 kg ragi, 1 kg bajra/jowar and 1 kg fenugreek can be mix accordingly.

For diabetic patients, all types of sweet things, food items made from ghee, vegetables, extremely sweet fruits, flour available in the markets, etc., preserved cans should avoid.

Bitter gourd, Neem leaves, Bael, Gudmar and Jamun etc. can also be helpful in controlling diabetes. 

In diabetes closed foods, smoking, zarda, gutka and alcohol are completely prohibited.

Walking long distances regularly is beneficial for diabetic patients.

People who have lost weight due to diabetes will need more calories than other patients and patients whose weight is more than normal should have a diet of less than 2000 calories so that their body fat can be reduced. The best way to determine calories is to have the patient check his urine daily to see how much grain he eats increases his urine sugar including sugar.

Mixed grains powder

Various yoga poses with regular practice beneficial for diabetes control selected according to the age and condition of the patient.

Shatkarma: Kunjal, Nauli, Shankhaprakshalan  

Bandha: Uddiyanabandha

Asanas: Kati Chakrasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana, Vajrasana, Bhujgasana, Paschimotta-Nasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Mandukasana, Konasana and Padahastasana

Pranayama: Bhaska, Ujjayi, Nadishuddhi and Bhramari

Surya Namaskar:

Mandukasana beneficial in diabetes
Bhujgasana beneficial in diabetes
Dhanurasana beneficial in diabetes

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