Speed up your Dengue Recovery, Perfect Guide to Beating Dengue in 2024

dengue mosquito diseases
Dengue Mosquito

What is Dengue ?

Dengue is a mosquito borne is a pandemic prone virus infection prevalent in many parts of the world virus dengue is caused by virus belonging to the Flaviviridae family diseases like malaria, chikungunya and dengue. It’s a part of the flavour of your family known for its other famous members, yellow fever, West, Nile, and Zika. It’s also referred to as breakebone fever.

Types of Dengue

Dengue occurs in two forms: 

Common dengue fever Dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome 

There are four types dengue fever can be caused by any one of the following four dengue viruses; DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4. It is important dengue infection will provide lifelong immunity against that serotype only subsequent infections from serotypes will increase the risk of developing severe disease. 

Transmission of virus spread via the bite of a mosquito mostly by Aedes Aegypti and to a lesser extent by Aedes Albopicutus mosquito importance to note it is the fact that these mosquitoes are involved in the spread of viral disease, including chickengunya and Zika mosquito can become infectious when it bites an infected individual carries the dengue virus and injects them into another individual in day time.

How does Dengue spread?

An infected Aedes mosquito bite is the means by which dengue is spread. This mosquito is tiny, black and white striped and its size is about 5 mm. In India, these mosquitoes breed during or just after the rainy season (July to October). Aedes aegypti day. These mosquitoes use containers filled with water, It can also grow in tyres, old broken pots and water storage tanks. The mosquito that spreads dengue bites during the day. 

Dengue does not spread directly from one patient to the next. Platelets in your body decrease and you start having fever. These mosquitoes can typically be found, lay eggs and water in containers that hold water like buckets, bowls, animal dishes and the incubation period of dengue is 4 to 10 days. Being infected with one virus does not mean that the person will not be infected with other viruses. A person can be infected with one type of virus only once. The severity of this fever is more in children.

How does a person get dengue?

Whenever a mosquito bites a person who is ill and subsequently bites a healthy person, the disease is spread.  Dengue virus cannot directly infect one person to another, but an infected person can be a source of transmission of dengue by mosquitoes for up to six days. Day Human-Mosquito Human Infection of typical dengue lasts for a period of 5 to 7 days, after which the patient recovers. After being bitten by an infected mosquito, dengue symptoms start appearing in a person in 3 to 14 days (usually 4 to 7 days).

Common Dengue fever symptoms

  • High fever with head ache.
  • Muscle and joint pain. 
  • Hemorrhagic rashes in skin. a
  • Pain in eyes (Retro-orbital Pain). 
  • Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and Diarrhea. 
  • Unexplained bleeding through nose, gums & skin. 
  • Fall in platelet count.

Dengue can cause a wide range of symptoms in a patient from a subclinical disease, patient might be unaware of the infection to severe infection in which the patient severe flu like symptoms, Symptoms of dengue include high grade 40 Celsius or 104 Fahrenheit along with nausea vomiting, which is generally non-bilious rash aches and pain typically involving the area behind the eye which is termed as retro orbital, pain severe headache, generalized muscle pain and joint pain. There are a lot of viral infections, first of all you need to drink a lot of water, dengue happens, your body. Dehydration occurs which means there is a shortage of water in the body.

Child suffering from dengue fever

child dengue mosquito
Child suffering from Dengue fever
  • Stomach pain with nausea and vomiting. 
  • The patient usually feels very ill and stressed. 
  • Eruption of light red boils or rashes on the body (except the mouth) after 3-4 days of fever.
  • Hemorrhagic dengue fever may occur if any one or more of the following symptoms are present in addition to the common dengue fever symptoms. 
  • Bleeding in the form of bloody spots, dark black-blue rashes on the skin (large or small shaped) appear. common scratches bleeding from nose, mouth or gums. 
  • Blood in vomit or stool dengue shock syndrome.

This type of dengue fever can be dangerous or even fatal. Apart from the symptoms mentioned above, the patient may also exhibit symptoms of stroke which are as follows: 

  • Extreme restlessness Pale, cool and clammy skin in addition to high fever.
  • Extremely slow pulse and low blood pressure.
  • The patient starts feeling unconscious

In certain minor situations, the patient can heal in just one week. But symptoms might worsen and even become fatal.  Blood vessels suffer negative effects and gradually leak. The clot forming platelets in the blood decrease in number which leads to increase the stability of the patient to this condition is known as severe Dengue hemorrhagic fever. 

This is characterized by severe abdominal pain, persistent vomiting at least three times in 24 hours. Hematuria, or blood in the urine, is another name for bleeding from the patient’s nose (called epistaxis), bleeding from the gums beneath the skin, and bruises that resemble purple bruises that make the patient feel drained and restless. 

Stool and vomit samples show blood, and the patient may finally go into shock. They can be experiencing hypertension, tachycardia, and cold, clammy skin.  Risk factor factors like living in travelling to tropical areas can increase one’s risk of exposure to this virus.

Critical phase of Dengue fever

  • High fever followed by sudden decrease in body temperature
  • Platelet count – below 50000 / mm3.
  • Weak speedy pulse.
  • Cold clammy skin and restlessness.
  • Dengue shock syndrome.
  • Encephalitis.

Platelet count blood dengue
Platelet count blood

The detective virus of their element serological test. The detective substances produced in our body. During the infection. Examples of virological methods include (1) virus isolation. The patient’s blood is taken to be grown inside the mosquitoes, all their cells after two weeks, the presence of the virus in the animals. Blood indicates the virus infection. (2) A reverse transcript se polymer as chain reaction, RT PCR methods. 

The purpose is to multiply the viral RNA by using enzyme several cycle times until it can be detected in these tests are sensitive, but they require specialized equipment and technical training for implementing the test which might always be available in all medical facilities. It’s a detects the antibodies to our body to fight the viruses. The viruses that cause dengue fever are carried by mosquitoes of the species Aedes aegypti. 

Dengue fever, often known as fever causes, is also transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus. Sometimes also by 80s aedesalbopictusa these pick this 80s mosquitoes are usually found in urban and suburban areas as they like to breed in man-made containers like tires, flower pots and household water aedesalbopictus mosquitoes have been transported to America and Europe by Asian products like use tires and lucky bamboo.

For Hemorrhage and its prevention

  • Papaya leaf juice 10 ml bid for 7 days
  • Adhatodai leaf juice 15 ml bid for 7 days with honey
  • Amman pacharisi karkam 5 gm bid
  • Muthuchippi parpam 200 – 400 mg bid with milk Pavala parpam 200 mg bid with milk Naga parpam 100-130mg bid with Milk Kavikkal chooranam 2gm bid with water.
  • Padiga poonkaavi chendooram 500mg-1g bid

Papaya fruit green leaf dengue
Papaya Leaf (Fastest recovery)

Mosquitoes can survive sub-freezing temperatures which has allowed dengue to spread to cooler climate changes signs and symptoms. Symptoms of dengue fever, typically develop between three and 14 days after a person is bitten by an infected mosquito affected. Mosquito symptoms include fever, headache and pain behind the eyes, severe muscle and joint pain, source of dengue zink fever breakdown, fever, extreme fatigue rash appearing between the second and fifth day of fever to bleed from the skin or nose, bloody stools or heavy menstrual bleeding, nausea and vomiting, respiratory symptoms, such as a cough, sore throat or nasal congestion.

These symptoms usually last for 3 to 7 days at which point, the fever breaks after the fever breaks people either start to get better or get much worse, developing severe dengue according to the (WHO) world health organization guidelines. 

Any of the following symptoms are warning sign that may signal the development of severe often called hemorrhagic fever or DHF, abdominal pain or tenderness, persistent vomiting or restlessness breathlessness such as bleeding, gums or nosebleeds, liver enlargement fluid accumulation in the lungs or abdomen as shown by x-rays or ultrasound, dengue hemorrhagic fever, or DHF is the most serious form of dengue infection.

General treatment of common Dengue fever

If the fever is more than 102 degrees Fahrenheit, get treatment to bring the temperature down. Consume adequate amount of drinks (lemonade) etc. get enough rest eat regularly. This will not only keep you away from this infection but will also prevent others from getting infected. 

Leakage of plasma or the liquid portion of blood into the tissues surrounding blood arteries is the most serious and potentially fatal problem. But they’re also is in enough fluid left in the blood vessels to circulate the blood proper. Shock is the term used to describe this improper blood circulation. Life threatening and can lead to metabolic problems and organ failure. 

Treatment with most viruses. Treatment options for dengue will only manage symptoms. Pain present, don’t make bleeding worse, maybe taken intervenes or IV fluids maybe given to prevent shock, but frequent blood draws and other assessment must be performed to make sure the IV fluids aren’t making a person sick dengue fever vaccine.

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