Dangerous diseases during monsoon season

Monsoon sneezing
Monsoon Sneezing

Monsoon Comes with dangerous diseases

Monsoon is the most important and beautiful climate awaiting seasons. In this heavy rainfall happens after long time summer heat waves over and it is starts from the month of nearly from June upto September it is more helpful to growth plants and crops and seasonal vegetable and to enjoys the monsoon with proper care and precaution and prevention of diseases, after summer bring it freshness in the environment and provides relief from the summer heat is also brings a lot of infections and disease along the weather is humidity. The wet and human monsoon season increases risk of factious diseases It is also a time for the daily breeding of mosquitoes inviting viral infections etc.


dengue mosquito diseases
Dengue Mosquito

Dengue is the most common disease caused during monsoon and spread from mosquito bites of female adis mosquitoes. Usually bite during the day time, the symptoms include high fever with body ache, hypersensitivity, rashes, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting, headache, pain behind the eyes, low, platelets, count and several cases there may be less urination and breathlessness in few patients. There is a risk of drop in a platelet count during dengue, which can be dangerous if not addressed timely, the normal platelet count is more than a lacs per microliter and it indicates that the monsoon has dangerous diseases.


Chickungunya diseasse monsoon body pain joint pain

Chickungunya is caused by mosquitoes that are born in stagnant still water. Mosquitoes are found in water tanks areas, coolers, plants pots and dustbins garbage areas, old scrap tyres etc. This disease is caused by the tiger addie mosquitoes. The symptoms of chikungunya are acute joint pain, high fever, fatigue and chills. If not treated timely certain complication such as inflammation, of retina heart muscle, liver, kidney, etc, can be occurred and monsoon has really one these dangerous diseases.


Malaria disease mosquito symptom

Malaria the most common dangerous disease of the monsoon season. Malaria is spread by anopheles

mosquitoes. This happens due to the problem of water logging during rainy season, which is our breeding ground for mosquitoes, the symptoms of malaria or high fever with body ache, sometimes shivering and body chills and sweating severe anemia. Otherwise it can be lead to health complications like cerebral malaria, which is one of the cause of death among malaria patients. If malaria is not treated timely, the conversion renal failure jaundice and respiratory disorders can occur.


Cholera disease containment in food and water

Cholera is another very common disease in the monsoon season. The disease is caused due to consumption of containment in food and water. Poor sanitation and hygiene can also cause it cholera needs immediate treatment as it dangerous within few hours. The symptoms of the cholera, water profuse watery diarrhea vomiting, feeling thirsty, muscle cramps, low blood pressure, rapid heart rate, dry mucous membrane and loss of skin elasticity.


Typhoid infectious diseases

Typhoid highly infectious dangerous and a common monsoon related diseases. The disease is usually caused by containment food and water symptoms include prolong high fever, weakness, abdominal pain, constipation, headache, vomiting, reduce appetite, there may be several complications in typhoid is not treated promptly.

Viral fever

viral fever disease monsoon
Viral fever

Viral fever this is the most common fever throughout the year but is most important prominent during monsoon season. It is mostly caused due to viral infection and the symptoms of viral fever are fever with or without chills, cold and cough, inflammation of throat, weakness, dizziness, muscle ache and joint pain, this fever usually for 5 to 7 days this has also dangerous diseases during monsoon. 


Diarrhea disease monsoon

Diarrhea the most important dangerous diseases complaints during monsoon season it can be temporary one or turn to potentially life-threatening one. It is caused due to consumption of unhygienic food and water. Symptoms are commonly loose watery stools abdominal cramps fever, bloating and nausea and sometimes blood in the stool immediate treatment necessary to avoid complications. 

Cold & Flu Influenza

Cold or flu influenza
Cold or Flu Influence

Cold or Flu Influenza common cold flu usually occur due to change in the weather fluctuation in temperature, during the monsoon season but most protect themselves as it can turn into a viral infection and transfer from one person to other symptoms of common flu are fever with headache, aching of muscles, nasal congestion sore throat sweating at and dry persistent cough.


Laptospirosis disease monsoon

Laptospirosis this is uncommon bacterial fashion during the monsoon season which is transmitted from animals to human if any open bruises or cuts when it should be covered when stepping out to avoid getting the disease or any other infections that disease is usually spread through open bounds while walking through waterlogged areas, some symptoms, including, high fever, headache and muscle aids abdominal pain red eyes rashes and diarrhea.

Stomach Infection

Stomach infection monsoon Gastroterenritis
Stomach Infection

Stomach infection occur when you consume unhygienic food or liquid products. Gastroterenritis is one of the common stomach infections that occur in rainy season. Few symptoms of stomach infections are fever, are low grade ever nausea, vomiting or both abdominal cramps and pain and diarrhea. Drinking boiled water and home-cooked food is advisable during monsoon season. 

Healthy Diet

healthy and home-cooked food
Healthy and home cooked food

To prevent disease during the rainy season, the risk of infection and fever is more common, and we have to boost our immune system to fight with disease infections. You can stay safe from diseases Drink clean water, to avoid water borne diseases like cholera and typhoid, Avoiding street food eating and eat healthy food to prevent food poisoning etc. Avoid getting wet in rain or stay in wet clothes which can lead to cold flu use neem or coconut oil to your skin before going outside as suitable as your skin because monsoon season indicates many generated dangerous diseases.

Eat more  nutritious, healthy and home-cooked food and avoid junk food. Stay hydrated and drink, boiled and clean water. Make sure your home well Ventilated wash had before eaten any food, maintain personal hygiene. Keep your surroundings clean and remove the breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Use a mosquito repellent net, mosquito net, protective clothing, wear mask while stepping out of to avoid the spread o infectious disease such as infections, disease such as flu few and cough, avoid visiting crowded places to reduce your risk for viral, infections, avoid touching your nose and mouth your hand without washing them to provide infectious monsoon disease.

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