5 Secrets of Living Healthy Lifestyle

Health nature guide Earth
Earth Nature

Nature rule to stay healthy

As we know that, there are five important elements, which make up our body. The Fire (incense), Earth, Air, Water and Sky are these five elements. Each and every cell in our body is a representation of these elements. Each of the cells in the human body having the ability to maintain its own health however, this is only achievable when we follow the natural rules of life. Good health is a blessing and natural health care is the right art of living with healthy life, which we may all adopt in order to enjoy happy, healthy living.


healthnatureguide Sunight Vitamin D

Sunlight (Sunshine Fire) in Early morning, sunrays are the best for body. First sunrays light are best for new-born child health. Sunlight additionally serves as necessary for having good health. Getting the skin exposed to the sun’s rays every morning meanwhile standing in a moderate sunlight boosts mental sharpness and endurance. There are actually seven visible and other invisible rays that make up the sun’s rays. They each have different adverse effects. These are extremely helpful to our body’s absorption of Vitamin-D, which is more beneficial for our human body. Sufficient sunlight should be able  to enter our living area also that represent positiveness healthy living. The body starts to feel more active and structures function because of the sun’s rays.

Earth (Soil)

healthnatureguide earth soil grasss morning walk feet
Earth (Soil)

Earth (Soil) being connected to the natural environment is essential for sustaining good health. Your body can benefit from having your feet planted in soil by walking naked on grass that has been soaked with the dew in the morning. Numerous times, it is healthier to get down on grass or soil, if at all acceptable. It refreshes the body’s energy and eliminates the feeling of tiredness.

Air (Oxygen)

healthnatureguide Air pure Oxygen fresh nature
Oxygen Fresh Air

Air, if there are trees, there is oxygen and fresh air. The ability to breathe clean air is important for healthy living. We should make every attempt to live in an open environment to breathe in as much clean oxygen as we could. Our home should be constructed to enable air to flow in consistently. It is especially important to have proper ventilation in the sleeping area. You should sleep with windows open in the room. It is extremely beneficial to stay healthy to take walks outside in the fresh air and breathe deeply whenever you can.

Sky (Heaven)

Health nature guide sky
Sky (Heaven)

Sky (Heaven) fasting is the body’s appearance in the sky. We must fast or consume vegetarian food or fruits once a week to allow the body’s organs to function properly and improve internal body automatic function. Fresh, juicy fruits of the season or lemon water with honey should be consumed three to four times a day if on a fasting, juice or fruit diet. Fasting purifies the body’s supplies and improves mental calmness and negativity. The digestive system becomes dynamic as the result.

Exercise (Fitness)

healthnatureguide excercise gym yoga finess man woman
Exercise (Fitness)

Exercise to make sure that blood circulation across the body is smooth, perform a little physical activity in the morning after resting from daily activities. In morning walks, jogging, gentle running, yoga, pranayam, and Surya Namaskar are just some of the various possibilities. Keep in mind that the surroundings should be open area full of plants and trees and free of pollutants as you walk. Walking faster while breathing deeply is more helpful, but one should walk or exercise according with their strength and ability. Daily running and walking increase your endurance. Consulting with a expert yoga practitioner will be more helpful while selecting poses for yoga. Regular practice of any kind of activity, like yoga or walking, must be done to see beneficial effects. You should stay away from eating anything either before or right after yoga or a walk, but you can take a glass of lemon water before for detox.

Water (Drinking Water)

healthnatureguide Fresh pure water mineral drink energy
Water (Drinking Water)

Water if water is there, there is future and life, water is more necessary to health and environment as the Earth (soil) itself. As soon as you wake up in the morning, drink at least half litre or as per your capacity of drinking of normal water or lukewarm water. We may drink for minimum three litres of water up to four to five litres every day. Opening all of the body’s pores can be one by taking a morning bath in clean fresh water. The body feels lighter and more energetic as the result and blood circulation gets improved as all of the tissues and systems are energized and pumped. You can also use Multani Mitti, which is easily available in market or clean Clay to take the place of soap while taking a bath. In the summer, repeat this experiment once or twice a week. Multani Mitti is helps to make soft skin, helps in improving blood circulation and removes the dark mark/spots on body. A mixture made of milk and gram flour is also effective to our body health. It is better to take a bath after a massage on the body with a thick rough cloth. Water is the best drink that can quench your thirst whenever you feel it. Water must be drunk in a manner of one or two sip at a time instead of all drink in one sitting. After boiling and purifying the water can drink it if you’re feeling worries about its purity. The best quality of drinking water for human body is less than 150 PPM of TDS level. It’s best to avoid drinking water immediately after the eating meal. Minimum thirty or forty minutes before and after meals, sip a water. You can take one or two sip of water between each one if required otherwise avoid drinking water during eating.

Body Massage

healthnatureguide body massage rest oil relief stree free male female
Body Massage

Body Massage frequent body massages are also beneficial to good health. This improves blood circulation and enhances all the different body parts. Every day, but especially in the winter, the entire body should be massaged with oil. After then, sunlight consistently maintains the body’s vitality and good health. You can massage using sesame or mustard oil and other oil also to used massage as almond and coconut oil.


Cleanliness healthy

Cleanliness maintaining hygiene in your body, home and surroundings is necessary for good health. Cotton clothing is the best kind of fabric that should be wore good for body and comfort. Comfortable, loose clothes is recommended for wearing. The Washing and dry cleaning should be done every day. Every day use a cold-water bath for washing the body. Before taking a bath firstly wet the head with water and splash the eyes using cold water.

Healthy Diet

healthnatureguide vegetrain fruit vegetable healthy cook food
Healthy Food

Healthy meal a balanced and veg-diet is essential for maintaining good health. Whenever possible, we should eat our food in its natural state. Eat fresh fruits in season, crisp leafy vegetables, and adequate raw (sprouted food) in your daily diet. Food should only be consumed when hungry. In general, meals should only be eaten twice a day at specific times. Eating dinner before sundown or three hours before getting into bed is ideal and easy to digest food. Eating frequently places more strain on the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is best to avoid this type of behaviour. 

One should wait to eat until after they have slept, especially if they are feeling exhausted after functioning outside or returning from spending time outdoors. Eating seasonal vegetables, fruits, nutritious produce has more health benefits than purchasing costly fruits for cold storage from the markets out of seasonal. If you’re feeling ill, it’s best to avoid eating. You can consume fruits, fruit juice, buttermilk or lemonade, if you start to feel thirsty in between both of your main meals. Meals should be had when sitting calmly and with careful proper chewing food in small particles easy to digest. Wash the hands, feet, and mouth before eating. 

Eating should simply involve consuming food. Eating in silence is ideal. Food should be eaten in a clean, quiet space with hygienic plates utensils etc. It’s best to eat something less than one is hungry. It is unhealthy to eat when unhappy or angry. Always pray and thanks a God before eating food everytime. An alkaline diet should consist of 80% acidic foods and 20% of alkaline foods. A great deal of fruits, vegetables, and non-vegetarian foods are part of an alkaline diet. Dishes like bread, roti, spicy veggies, fried dishes, coffee, tea, and so on are all part of an acidic diet. Foods like lemons and other citrus fruits are also considered alkaline due to their digestive benefits. Even if the temperature of the fruits eliminated from the juice is lower than the body temperature, they should not be eaten immediately following their removal. Firstly, eat salad before eating meal and make sure you eat sufficient salad with every meal diet.

Body (Rest)

healthnatureguide boyd rest relax
Body Relax

Relax Body and balancing in physical functioning are essential for a healthy life. To rest or sleep, use a wooden plank and a thin cotton mattress. Relaxing brings calmness to the body and mental health. The body relaxes, releases tension, and prepares to go back to work. Wear loose clothing and wash your hands, feet, and face with cold water before going to bed. Take a hot foot bath and go to bed if you have issues falling asleep. It’s not good to cover your mouth when you sleep and avoid covering your face during sleeping. Go to bed early and get up early the next morning to beat the sunrise. When you’re sleeping, forget everything. Praying in the name of God and getting sufficient sleep helps with physical tiredness. A person needs minimum 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night.


healthy morality

Morality good behaviour is necessary to maintain physical and mental well-being. When expressing one another warmth, one should stay away from physically, verbally, or emotionally harming any living thing. Taking comfort in the truth at all times, one needs to embrace and understand a description of what is being described as it is. In order to enhance one’s strength and semen and awaken the feeling of devotion to God, one should discipline their conduct and way of life. It’s best to keep away from gathering ore than what is needed for survival. Negative thoughts such as jealousy, malice, enthusiasm, hatred, and the like should be kept out of the mind by maintaining the body parts pure both internally and externally. Freeing yourself from all forms of greed and desires, while embracing the result of one’s deliveries, according to one’s ability or the situation of the situation at hand. Adequate behaviour and practice are necessary to regulate the body, soul, senses, and mind. The scriptures, providing both spiritual and self-knowledge, should be regularly studied and meditated upon. The key to a happy life is to always feel connected to God and to give Him the results of your effort.


prayer healthy

Prayer depending on what you believe, you have to do meditation, puja, bhajan, satsang, or prayer. Prayer reduces stress, boosts confidence preferences and eliminates the feelings of mental illnesses, displeasure and frustration etc.

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